About Us
ITA came to be based on a saying from my father-in-law Fred Stewart. “Here, There, or in the AIR”, a phrase commonly used when he was leaving, to let you know where he would see you again! We are based and operate out of MD26 Alyssa Taylor Heliport in memory of our sweet daughter. We lost Lyss on Dec 19, 2016, and in her honor, we decided to move forward with the idea of having a helipad named and charted after her. Two years later, we received FAA approval, and our dream became a reality.
When it comes to Maryland helicopter tours, if you’re in need of a helicopter or want an experience like no other, Give us a call, and perhaps we can meet you “Here, There or in the Air!”

Our Services

Tours/Site Seeing



Photo/Video Platform

Disaster Support

500 Turbine Transition

Discovery Flight


Tour/Dinner Package at the Antrim

Long Line Training

Intro To Helicopters Summer Camp
What Our Clients Say